차량 번호판 인식
This project is supported by GIL hospital(GIL-2017-06), NRF(2019R1F1A1060738), and partially Gyounggido(GRRC-2017-B01)
Related papers
C. Henry, S.-Y. Ahn, and S.-W. Lee, "Multinational License Plate Recognition Using Generalized Character Sequence Detection," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, February 2020. pp. 35185-35199.
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C. Henry and S.-W. Lee, "Real-time Deep ALPR for Korean License Plates using YOLO Object Detector," Proceedings of The International Conference on Next Generation Computing, Vung Tau, Vietnam, December 2018, pp. 251-253.
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김세원, 박현철, 이상웅, 이병문, "YOLO 기반의 한국 차량 번호판 인식 시스템," 한국멀티미디어학회 추계학술발표대회집, 제21권, 제1호, 광주, 한국, 2018년 11월, pp. 421-422
IF: 4.098 / Rank: 14.5%(Q1)
Public Dataset
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Plate Detection
Realtime Multinational License Plate Recognition using Generalized Character Sequence Detection
C. Henry, S.-Y. Ahn, and S.-W. Lee

Automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) is generally considered a solved problem in the computer vision community. However, most of the current works on ALPR are designed to work on license plates (LP) from specific countries and use country-specific information which limits their practical applicability. Such ALPR systems require changes in the algorithm to work on other countries’ LPs. Previous works on multinational LP recognition are tested on datasets from various countries that share the same LP layout. To address this issue, this study presents a deep real time ALPR system designed to be applicable to multinational LPs. The proposed approach consists of three main steps – license plate detection and localization, unified character recognition, and multinational license plate layout detection. The system is mainly based on the You only look once (YOLO) networks. Particularly, tiny YOLOv3 was used for the first step whereas the second step uses YOLOv3-SPP – a version of YOLOv3 that consists of spatial pyramid pooling (SPP) block. The localized LP is fed into YOLOv3-SPP for character recognition. The character recognition network returns the bounding boxes of the predicted characters and does not provide any information about the sequence of the LP number. A LP number with an incorrect sequence is considered wrong. Thus, to extract the correct sequence, we propose a simple yet effective multinational LP layout detection algorithm that can extract the correct sequence of LP number from multinational LPs. We collected our own Korean car plate dataset (KarPlate dataset) by using a semi-automatic dataset generation strategy. KarPlate dataset has been made publicly available for research purposes. The proposed system was evaluated on LP datasets from five countries including South Korea, Taiwan, Greece, USA, and Croatia. Our approach outperforms academic research works and commercial software on all datasets. In addition, a small dataset containing LP images from 17 countries was collected to evaluate the effectiveness of multinational LP layout detection algorithm. The proposed ALPR system is extremely fast and consumes about 41 ms per image for extracting LP number. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our ALPR system.
- LPD 파일: 이 파일은 차량 번호판 탐지(LPD)를 위한 트레이닝과 실험을 목적으로 한다. 한국 차량의 전면과 후면을 포함한 HD 사진과 함께 데이터셋 zip 파일에는 차량 어노테이션 처리가된 파일들이 있다. 어노테이션에 대한 자세한 내용은 zip 파일안의 "Readme.txt"를 참고하시오
- LPR 파일: 이 파일은 차량 번호판 인식(LPR)을 위한 트레이닝과 실험을 목적으로 한다. 차량의 번호판 부분만 오려낸 사진과 함께 데이터셋 zip 파일에는 번호판 어노테이션 처리가된 파일들이 있다. 어노테이션에 대한 자세한 내용은 zip파일안의 "Readme.txt"를 참고하시오.
- EER 파일: 이 파일은 엔드투엔드 인식(EER)을 위한 트레이닝과 실험을 목적으로 한다. 한국 차량의 전면과 후면을 포함한 HD 사진과 함께 차량 번호판위의 문자와 숫자에 대한 어노테이션만 포함하고 있다(차량 번호판에 대한 바운딩 박스 어노테이션 미포함). 시스템 훈련을 위하여 LPD 와 LPR 파일을 참고 하시오

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